Channel: Lori Schumaker
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Finding Rest for Your Weary Soul


I see the weariness etched on your face. Shadows lingering under your eyes and a slowness to your every step.

Sometimes you feel the weariness deep in your bones, don’t you? The blanketing fog makes thinking all the more difficult.

I know you want rest. You’re not wearing busyness as an adornment. But life circumstances hinder your options for rest right now.

Sometimes it’s true, rest doesn’t come easy.

Finding Rest for Your Weary Soul by Lori Schumaker for Suzie Eller

I remember when I didn’t know how to find rest and when no one around me seemed to understand.

“You need more rest,” they would tell me.

Yet they couldn’t know what my day-to-day entailed.

They didn’t know life as a new adoptive Mama of a child with significant special needs. I couldn’t wrap my mind around our recently turned upside down world of doctors, therapists, specialists, and hospitals, much less expect others to understand.

It was something I had to learn. A season of preparation for the next leg of the journey where I think God was teaching me to fight for my




… and my rest.

I’m not sure of your life situation right now. Maybe it’s caring for a special needs child or an elderly parent. Maybe you are a newly single Mom or navigating grief. The possibilities are many and the struggle to find rest is real.

I wish I could tell you it’s as easy as getting away each day for some “you” time while securing 8 hours of sleep and maintaining a healthy diet.

Yes, those are beneficial, but they don’t ease the heavy burden of your day-to-day. And friends, I get the reality of your life. 5-hour nights and pizza AGAIN might be your best right now.

Finding Rest for Your Weary Soul by Lori Schumaker for Suzie Eller

So, how do we find rest when it doesn’t come easy?

… read more

I’m thrilled to be writing over at Suzie Eller’s today. Suzie is a Proverbs 31 Ministries writer, bestselling author, international speaker and Bible teacher. She’s beautifully authentic. A friend and mentor who, with heart and courage, leads women deeply in God’s Word. I’d love for you to join me at Suzie’s to read today’s post and for an awesome giveaway that will be sure to encourage your weary soul!

If this is your first visit here or you are visiting from Suzie’s place today, welcome! I have something I’d love to share with you! It’s about hope. Navigating this life with the hope Christ offers us for this side of the cross! Whether it’s parenting, friendships, adoption, or issues of faith or our identity in Christ, I have resources available to help you live equipped, joyful, and hope-FILLED. Subscribe here or below for encouragement and full access to my Library of Hope.


The post Finding Rest for Your Weary Soul appeared first on Lori Schumaker.

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