I was racing toward the basketball court to catch my son’s game, when out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the t-shirt that summed up my very chaotic morning.
“Mommin’ ain’t easy”
The grammar is terrible! But, friends, truth isn’t reliant upon grammar!
I could almost sense God smiling, winking gently as if to say, “See? It’s not just you. You’re not alone.”
It was a well needed reminder that morning because I did feel alone. No Mom-of-the-year awards were being handed my direction and as I looked around, I felt as though I was the only Mom in the crowd who didn’t measure up.
Do you wrestle with the same kinds of feelings? The feelings of just not measuring up?
We see
Beautiful Mom
Organized Mom
Funny Mom
Volunteer Mom
The Mom with what appears as perfectly behaved children. And the Mom who throws together fresh healthy meals at a moment’s notice.
And right in the middle of all those Moms, lives our own reality.
Do you wrestle with feelings of just not measuring up? #motherhood #hope @womenabiding
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The reality of the 20 pounds we’d like to lose, the doctor appointment we forgot to make, and the witty conversation that never happened.
The reality of the ketchup trail plastered across our shirt leaving evidence of the fast food French Fries upon which our kids once again feasted.
But in here is a truth we need to remember.
When assumption and reality meet, we often find defeat. And for Mothers, that intersection of defeat threatens to steal our passion for the precious gift of Motherhood.
Friends, the Mom we see as perfect, is not. There just isn’t perfection outside of God.
That beautiful Mom?
She may be wracked with the pain of a chronic illness which she is refusing to let defeat her. Her make-up and clothing? A way to fight the enemy who desires for her to give up.
The organized Mom?
Her extended family may live in such chaos that her weapon has become the sense of control she gleans from organizing.
The funny Mom?
She may find humor and wit as tools to fight the grief that threatens to swallow her whole.
And the volunteer Mom?
The struggles she faces within the walls of her own home my give her cause to find joy and happiness in the act of giving.
I’m not saying just because a Mom is beautiful she is battling an illness nor does humor mean she is fighting grief.
But what I am saying, is that each and every one of us has a story. We are all fighting personal battles because the enemy of this world roams and wages war. Sin is present and trials are unavoidable.
None of us measure up.
We all fall far short of perfection.
Mommin’ ain’t easy.
Today I’m guest posting over at my lovely friend, Tehila’s blog, Women Abiding . I’d love for you to follow me over there to finish reading this post where I will encourage you to fight smart. I’ll share 3 steps I use to stop the lies that whisper, “You don’t measure up.” While you are there, take some time to soak in some inspiration from Tehila! She is a precious Mama who loves great big! Her life experiences are riveting and her testimony powerful!
Thanks for being a part of the Searching for Moments Community! I pray these words point you to the author of our hope and encourage you to know you are equipped for this journey! Did you know that when you join Searching for Moments, you get full access to all the resources found in the library of hope?
I regularly link up with these encouraging sites.
The post Hope for the Mom Who Doesn’t Measure Up appeared first on Lori Schumaker.